Fore-runner. For Who? and Why?

Connect with Christ's LOVE. TRUTH. CULTURE


Fore-runner- easter


You might wonder, what is the correlation between these three words? It is sort of an undesirable sandwich as the first and last words (Love and Glory) are endearing and, by definition, are phenomena that the average human wants to really experience.

Shroud over Truth

What is the Truth? Truth by Dictionary  is defined as the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact. Does that sound familiar to the Word of God? When it comes to believers, we define Truth in the spiritual sense as the unwavering Word of God.

The Aroma of God


 Human wisdom has limitations.

Christ is the wisdom of God.

God’s ‘foolishness’ surpasses the height of human wisdom.


The Musketeers

The ‘three musketeers’ is a historical adventure novel written in 1844 by French author Alexandre Dumas. The meaning basically relates to three or four people who are close associates whether in friendship or in business.


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