Shroud over Truth


Shroud over Truth2kings 22:8-13

What is the Truth? Truth by Dictionary  is defined as the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact.

Does that sound familiar to the Word of God? When it comes to believers, we define Truth in the spiritual sense as the unwavering Word of God. It is the actual sense of a matter, an adherence to reality, and an indisputable fact. It is the Truth that cannot be hidden but can be shrouded by various factors in this world.

What about a shroud? Merriam-webster dictionary defines shroud “to veil under another appearance (as by obscuring or disguising)”. An example will be “this point is shrouded in uncertainty”.

 Here’s the thing about shroud. It doesn’t deny you from knowing the truth, it only clouds/covers your judgment against the knowing the truth.

Now that we understand the basic meanings of these two words, let’s look at the things that can shroud humans from knowing the truth (God’s Word):

  1. Times when the wickedness/godlessness of men suppresses the truth. 
  2. Times when you can’t look past life’s trials and tribulations.

Of course, there are lots of factors out there, but these came to my mind while I was writing this article.

 So, the question is, why is our truth shrouded?

God has opened our eyes to see beyond the physical attributes of the creation. He has made us understand the invisible qualities that link to creation. So why do we cover it up? Why can’t we look beyond the shroud that has been covering the truth?

            There was a major discovery that took place in the bible that ultimately led to this nation’s freedom but before we dive into it, I want us to understand that when we’re talking about the truth, we can’t take the truth from the Word of God. God’s existence, Human existence, and everything concerning this world come from the manual that God inspired the apostles and disciples to write down and leave as guidelines to us.

We understand that no other book in this world is as complete as the Word of God. How we act as humans, navigate through life battles, and wrestle with unending questions seem familiar just like the beginning when the same privilege was given to the first man and how man fell and sinned introducing good and evil into the world. God gave man the freedom of choice right from the beginning and that is why God put out everything to you with one of the most powerful things bestowed to humans called “the power of choice”. Why? Because at the end of the day, you have the choice to either open your eyes to see the truth or remain covered by the shroud.

There was a discovery of the book of law when Hilkiah the high priest was in charge. And the response of the king after they discovered this book was recorded in verse 13a; which says, “Go and inquire of the lord for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found”. Notice the swift response to this discovery? 

 Sometimes I question what and how the reaction will be like when we discover truths in our life journey.

For me, one of the greatest truths I’ve discovered is the truth about God and Salvation. When we look into the bible, it’s not just some kind of myths gathered. It’s the TRUTH and everything in the bible seems relatable including the human characters. There’s no form of emotion that you won’t find in the bible. So, when you read the bible, you see a complete Truth. You read people’s true acts. You read humanity. No myth. Even Jesus did his part as a man, and we saw traces of him being human while he was on earth physically. 

The disadvantage in placing shroud over truth is stated in Romans 1:21 which says “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.”

 A similar reaction can also be gotten from 2 Kings 22:13b which says, “Great is the Lord’s anger that burns against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us”.

 Two things can be understood here from these passages; one, knowing the truth and denying the One who is the truth. Two, knowing the truth and not obeying it.

Once you know the Truth which is in the bible, make sure you live with it.

The absence of truth shallows our thinking. It makes me wonder why we try so hard to run away from the truth or why we think we don’t need it. Paul stated in Romans 1 verse 29 that once you run away from the truth, you get filled with every kind of evil desire. The moment you start covering yourself from knowing and seeing the truth, it brings danger, but the interesting part is that it doesn’t take away the value of the Truth. The Truth is the Word of God and just like King Josiah was excited about discovering the book of law with the importance as similar as discovering the bible at this time, we should strive to be excited to know the Word of God and stand by it. We should all know, that generations will come and go but the Truth stands forever.

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